Application Field
Paint & Ink
The commonly used graft silicone crosslinking agents for silicone acrylic lotion are JH-V171, JH-V151, JH-V173, JH-O174 and V171. The lotion prepared is more stable because the isopropoxy group of JH-V173 is not easy to hydrolyze; PTOK is a water-soluble strong alkaline silane, which can replace ammonia to adjust the PH value of the polymerization emulsion, reduce the ammonia smell and VOC volatilization and has better performance; JH-OP17, JH-OP11, JH-O187 and JH-AP1232 can be used as adhesion promoter of emulsion system.
In the UV curing ink system, JH-A6121, JH-A110, JH-O186, JH-O176, JH-A596 and JH-O174 all have good stability and adhesive properties.
Related Products
Product Number
Chemical Name
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
Main Application Areas
产品编号 : JH-V173
化学名称 : Vinyltri(isopropoxy)silane
CAS# : 18023-33-1
EC# : 241-931-4
分子式 : C11H24O3Si
分子量# : 232.39
主要应用领域 : Cable、Fiberglass、Resin、Paint
产品编号 : JH-OP11
化学名称 : Epoxy silane solution
CAS# : N.A.
EC# : N.A.
分子式 : N.A.
分子量# : N.A.
主要应用领域 : Fiberglass、Resin、Adhesiver、Paint
产品编号 : JH-AP1232
化学名称 : Aminosilane solution
CAS# : N.A.
EC# : N.A.
分子式 : N.A.
分子量# : N.A.
主要应用领域 : Silicone Rubber、Resin、Paint
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