Application Field
In the silicone adhesive sealing and bonding system, amino silanes such as JH-A110, JH-A111, JH-A112, JH-A602, JH-A902, JH-A117, JH-A1171, etc., epoxy silanes JH-O187, JH-O186, JH-O1872, etc. are commonly used as bonding accelerators. The more excellent ones are silane oligomers JH-AP1231, JH-AP1234, JH-OP8711, which have obvious advantages in adhesion, water resistance, and VOC emissions; JH-V171 is widely used as a dehydrating agent and sealant storage stabilizer for MS adhesives and alcohol based single component RTVs; JH-N230 and JH-N231, as auxiliary bonding accelerators, can improve the bonding performance of silane coupling agents; Compared with conventional single molecule crosslinking agents, alkyl silane oligomers such as JH-NP31, JH-NP34, JH-NP34C, JH-NP2311 can effectively reduce VOC emissions and reduce small molecule volatile residues in RTV adhesives.
In the epoxy resin bonding system, epoxy silanes JH-O187, JH-O186, JH-O1872, etc. not only increase bonding in a single component system, but also reduce the influence of fillers on resin viscosity, increase the loading capacity of fillers, and have better compatibility with JH-N308, JH-N3112, JH-NP31; Amino silanes have excellent adhesion performance to 2K epoxy resin system; The concealed amino silane JH-A110 has unique properties in the epoxy 1K system.
In hybrid adhesive systems such as STP, SPU and MS, commonly used adhesion promoters are amine based silane oligomers JH-AP1231, JH-AP1234, JH-A2112 and sometimes JH-A112 and monoamino silane are also used.
In the 1K polyurethane sealing and bonding system, epoxy silane JH-O187, JH-O1871 and JH-O186 are the most common bonding accelerators; In the 2K system, secondary amine silanes JH-A115, JH-A117, JH-A118 and other amino silanes all have good adhesion properties. They are excellent adhesion promoters with pre reactants of isocyanate monomers such as TDI, MDI and HDI.
In the water-based acrylic adhesive system, JH-OP17, JH-AP1232, JH-OP11 and JH-O187 have good adhesive performance and storage stability; JH-PTOK replaces ammonia water as the initial pH regulator of silicone acrylic lotion, which can increase the crosslinking density and reduce VOC emissions.
Related Products
Product Number
Chemical Name
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
Main Application Areas
产品编号 : JH-A110
化学名称 : 3-Aminopropyltriethoxysilane
CAS# : 919-30-2
EC# : 213-048-4
分子式 : C9H23NO3Si
分子量# : 221.37
产品编号 : JH-A602
CAS# : 3069-29-2
EC# : 221-336-6
分子式 : C8H22N2O2Si
分子量# : 206.36
主要应用领域 : Filler、Foundry、Resin、Adhesive、Paint
产品编号 : JH-A117
CAS# : 82985-35-1
EC# : 280-084-5
分子式 : C12H31NO6Si2
分子量# : 341.55
主要应用领域 : Fiberglass、Filler、Adhesive、Paint
产品编号 : JH-A1171
CAS# : 13497-18-2
EC# : 236-818-1
分子式 : C18H43NO6Si2
分子量# : 425.71
主要应用领域 : Fiberglass、Filler、Adhesive、Paint
产品编号 : JH-O1872
CAS# : 65799-47-5
EC# : 265-929-8
分子式 : C9H20O4Si
分子量# : 220.34
主要应用领域 : Fiberglass、Filler、Resin、 Paint
产品编号 : JH-AP1231
化学名称 : Amino silane oligomer
CAS# : N.A.
EC# : N.A.
分子式 : N.A.
分子量# : N.A.
主要应用领域 : Silicone Rubber、Resin、Paint
产品编号 : JH-AP1234
化学名称 : Amino silane Polymer
CAS# : N.A.
EC# : N.A.
分子式 : N.A.
分子量# : N.A.
主要应用领域 : Sealant、Paint、Resin
产品编号 : JH-OP8711
化学名称 : Aminosilane reactant
CAS# : N.A.
EC# : N.A.
分子式 : N.A.
分子量# : N.A.
主要应用领域 : Resin、 Adhesive、Powder processing
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