Application Field
Organosilicon cross-linked polyethylene is an external insulation material for wires and cables, which has high strength, weather resistance, flame retardancy and insulation properties. Add a mixture of vinyl silane and PE material and finally form it through peroxide crosslinking. The main vinyl silanes used here are JH-V171 and JH-V151. The use of vinyl silanes oligomers JH-VP10 and JH-VP11 has a better effect, reducing the volatilization of monomer silanes and VOC emissions during the processing.
Flame retardants such as aluminum hydroxide or magnesium hydroxide in cable materials also require the use of a mixture of vinyl and propyl silanes, typically using JH-V172 and JH-NP31.
Related Products
Product Number
Chemical Name
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
Main Application Areas
产品编号 : JH-VP10
化学名称 : Vinyl silane Polymer
CAS# : N.A.
EC# : N.A.
分子式 : N.A.
分子量# : N.A.
主要应用领域 : Fiberglass、Resin、Paint、Filler
产品编号 : JH-VP11
化学名称 : Vinyl silane Polymer
CAS# : N.A.
EC# : N.A.
分子式 : N.A.
分子量# : N.A.
主要应用领域 : Fiberglass、Resin、Paint、Filler
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