Application Field
Metal Surface Treatment
In the surface treatment of black metals,silanes such as JH-A110S, JH-A112, JH-O187, JH-V171, JH-N231, JH-N230 are used for hydrolysis prepolymers. JH-AP1232, JH-OP11 and JH-AP10 can be directly diluted with pure water and used for surface handling instead of phosphating process; JH-OP11 has good passivation sealing performance in inorganic passivation film and aluminum anodizing film.
Epoxy silane and aqueous solutions JH-O187 and JH-OP11 can effectively protect the oxidation of the copper film surface during the manufacturing process of copper clad panels, thereby improving the bonding ability between PCB boards and epoxy resin.
The surface handling of non-ferrous metals with sulfur containing silanes JH-S1891 and JH-S264 can effectively ensure that they are not further oxidized.
Related Products
Product Number
Chemical Name
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
Main Application Areas
产品编号 : JH-AP1232
化学名称 : Aminosilane solution
CAS# : N.A.
EC# : N.A.
分子式 : N.A.
分子量# : N.A.
主要应用领域 : Silicone Rubber、Resin、Paint
产品编号 : JH-OP11
化学名称 : Epoxy silane solution
CAS# : N.A.
EC# : N.A.
分子式 : N.A.
分子量# : N.A.
主要应用领域 : Fiberglass、Resin、Adhesiver、Paint
产品编号 : JH-S1891
CAS# : 14814-09-6
EC# : 238-883-1
分子式 : C9H22O3SSi
分子量# : 238.42
主要应用领域 : Rubber、Plastics、Fiberglass、Paint
产品编号 : JH-S264
CAS# : 34708-08-2
EC# : 252-161-3
分子式 : C10H21NO3SSi
分子量# : 263.43
主要应用领域 : Rubber、Silicone rubber
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