Application Field
Silicone Oil and Silicone Resin
Two functional silane coupling agents are usually used as the basic raw materials for functional silicone oils , introducing various functional groups into the side chains through block equilibrium reactions.
JH-A114, JH-A902, JH-A602 and JH-A6025 are used in side chain amino silicone oil; Side chain epoxy silicone oil uses O1872 , while side chain long chain alkyl silicone oil JH-N3181, JH-N3182, JH-N31121, JH-N31162 ; JH-S1893 is used for side chain thiol silicone oil.
The basic skeleton of MQ silicone resin is composed of ethyl silicate, and JH-T281, JH-T28 , JH-T32 and JH-T40 are its basic raw materials ; JH-N311, JH-N301, JH-NP2311 and JH-N301P are the basic raw materials for methyl silicone resin ; Propyl alkoxysilanes and their oligomers such as JH-N313, JH-N303, NP31 and JH-NP31A can be used for the preparation of highly flexible silicone resins and silicone greases.
Related Products
Product Number
Chemical Name
Molecular Formula
Molecular Weight
Main Application Areas
产品编号 : JH-A602
CAS# : 3069-29-2
EC# : 221-336-6
分子式 : C8H22N2O2Si
分子量# : 206.36
主要应用领域 : Filler、Foundry、Resin、Adhesive、Paint
产品编号 : JH-O1872
CAS# : 65799-47-5
EC# : 265-929-8
分子式 : C9H20O4Si
分子量# : 220.34
主要应用领域 : Fiberglass、Filler、Resin、 Paint
产品编号 : JH-N3181
化学名称 : Octylmethyldiethoxysilane
CAS# : 2652-38-2
EC# : 813-033-8
分子式 : C13H30O2Si
分子量# : 246.46
主要应用领域 : Filler、Waterproof、Resin、Paint
产品编号 : JH-N3182
化学名称 : Octylmethyldimethoxysilane
CAS# : 85712-15-8
EC# : 288-374-3
分子式 : C11H23O2Si
分子量# : 215.38
主要应用领域 : Filler、Waterproof、Resin、Paint
产品编号 : JH-N31121
CAS# : 60317-40-0
EC# : 262-170-4
分子式 : C17H38O2Si
分子量# : 302.57
主要应用领域 : Filler、Waterproof、Resin
产品编号 : JH-N31162
CAS# : N.A.
EC# : N.A.
分子式 : C19H42O2Si
分子量# : 330.61
主要应用领域 : Filler、Waterproof、Resin
产品编号 : JH-T40
化学名称 : Ethyl polysilicates-40
CAS# : 11099-06-2
EC# : 234-324-0
分子式 : C2H6O3Si
分子量# : N.A.
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